The human placental alkaline phosphatase ( hplap ) ( ec 3 . 1 . 3 . 1 ) would be used more widely in molecular biology and elisa for its enzyme activity and heat resistant was higher than that of e . coli alkaline phosphatase ( eap ) and calf alkaline phospha - tase ( c1ap ) . it is promising to construct the gene engineering pichia pastoris to product the hplap in a scale for the resource of hplap is limited L )的活性和耐热性都高于常用的大肠杆菌碱性磷酸酯酶( eap )和小牛肠碱性磷酸酯酶( ciap ) ,因而更适用于分子生物学和酶联免疫领域,然而其米源受到限制,探讨利用毕赤酵母尺尸astorjs构建工程菌进行规模生产凤有) ’ ‘阔的前景。